Hair Removal 101
Когда речь идет об удалении волос, один размер не подходит для всех. Каждый человек уникален, у всех разные комбинации кожи и волос, требующие различных настроек и режимов работы.
Follicle Depth Varies
Hair follicles are nested in different depths throughout your body. For example, bikini line hair is rooted as deep as 4.5 mm, whereas upper lip hair is more superficial and reaches a depth of up to 2.0 mm. The Alpha’s Diode Laser energy can penetrate deeper than 5.0 mm into the skin, allowing to effectively target any hair follicle in the body. The Alpha also allows users to select between “deep” and “shallow” treatments, enhancing energy precision and guaranteeing optimal results in various body parts.
Найдите клинику рядом с вамиGrowth Cycle Matters
Your hair is constantly growing and shedding in a cyclic process known as the “Hair Growth Cycle”, which has two main phases: Anagen – the active growing phase, and Telogen – the resting and shedding phase. Due to the laser hair removal mechanism of action, only anagen hair that is actively growing will respond to the treatment! This is why the process of Laser Hair Removal requires multiple applications, depending on the treatment area. We must be sure to zap each follicle during its anagen phase, otherwise the hair will regrow. Your Alpha provider is well trained and knowledgeable when it comes to hair growth cycles, and knows how to recommend a personalized treatment plan that is optimized to your needs and goals.
Найдите клинику рядом с вамиSkin Tone Affects
The level of melanin in your skin (i.e. your skin tone) is a major parameter that affects your hair removal process. Pale skin contains less melanin and can be treated using higher energies, whereas darker skin contains higher melanin levels and requires lower energis to prevent superficial burns. Moreover, different parts of your body have different melanin levels which requires different pulse energy settings for each area. That it why it’s absolutely crucial to objectively assess your hair and skin tone and adjust the treatment parameters accordingly. The Alpha is equipped with 5 unique hair removal modes that can accommodate any skin type, including skin types 5 & 6. We use Milo to measure your melanin levels objectively, so the Alpha can automatically adjust itself and select the optimal treatment mode and parameters for your unique hair-skin combination.
Найдите клинику рядом с вамиHair Removal with Alpha
Цифровой измеритель меланина для диагностики типа кожи и индивидуального подбора параметров.
Unique adaptive cooling technology ensures maximum comfort and shorter treatments.
Интеллектуальная подача энергии минимизирует дискомфорт без ущерба для конечного результата.
Более быстрые процедуры для любого участка тела.
Непревзойденная гибкость для более индивидуального подхода к лечению и лучших результатов.
Безопасен и эффективен для всех типов кожи (I-VI).
How It Works
Концентрированные световые импульсы попадают на кожу и волосы. Меланин в волосах и коже является основным хромофором, который поглощает свет и выделяет тепло.
Из-за различий в концентрации меланина и расположении волосяных фолликулов и окружающей кожи большая часть тепла генерируется в фолликулах, в то время как кожа остается невредимой. В результате распространения тепла внутри фолликула важнейшие компоненты волоса, прилегающие к стержню, повреждаются до невозможности восстановления.
В результате термического повреждения фолликул разрушается и теряет способность к росту. Потребуется около 2-4 недель, чтобы кожа отсеяла мертвый фолликул и полностью восстановилась.
Alpha: The Exclusive PowerMotion™ Hair Removal Solution
Sensational Results
Proven 16% better results in clinical studies, PowerMotion™ maximizes heat diffusion for superior hair removal outcomes.
Faster Treatments
The first technology to deliver high-fluence pulses continuously with a single pass, achieving up to 3x faster results on all body areas.
Optimal Comfort
Featuring Golden-Touch contact cooling for a more comfortable and pleasant treatment experience in every session.
Tailored Read
Experience five treatment modes and advanced skin diagnostic device ensure precise, effective, and comfortable care just for you.
Why is it so important to customize every treatment to the specific needs of your skin?
Hair removal is a process that unfolds over several months and requires multiple sessions. During this time, your skin tone may darken, especially with increased UV exposure in summer.
To ensure safe and effective treatments year-round, practitioners must monitor these changes and adjust parameters accordingly.
With Milo the Melanin Reader, this is done effortlessly. Your Alpha practitioner will use Milo to measure your skin’s melanin before each treatment, ensuring optimal results regardless of season or skin color changes.
3x Faster
Hair Removal
Did you know the average person spends over 1000 hours shaving in their lifetime? With Alpha’s lightning-fast treatment times for permanent hair reduction, you can reclaim those hours and invest them in what truly matters to you.
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